Enroll in The Shame Detox Today

Let's talk about who this is really for...

Before I tell you about this life changing program,

You're a believer that there's a better way. That life doesn't have to be a constant battle all the time and you're ready for a change. You want to take ownership of your own life and figure your shit out...you're just not exactly sure how to do it or where to start.

Whether You're...

⇨ looking to build stronger and deeper relationships so that you don't feel so lonely, detached and alone.

⇨ just starting your journey of personal development and you need a guiding hand to help you navigate those first few wobbly steps toward building a solid foundation.

⇨ a person who struggles with anxiety and making decisions and needs to build a stronger sense of self so that you can finally be confident.

⇨ someone who struggles with self-esteem and wants to learn how to develop the skills to empower yourself.

⇨ looking to make changes in your life because you KNOW something needs to change but you just aren't sure where to start.

You're in the right place and I'm going to tell you exactly how The Shame Detox will give you the tools, inspiration and unparalleled support on your journey to creating better relationships in your life.

By the end of this program, you will know:

  • What clear action steps you need to take in order to change and improve your life today.

  • What your Mistaken and Limiting Beliefs are and how to shift them so they no longer block you from moving forward in your life.

  • What your Core Values, Core Beliefs and Core Identity are which will give you the building blocks to develop a strong and stable foundation.

  • How to build a strong community and support system around yourself so that you can continue to cultivate and nurture healthy relationships in your life.

  • How to prioritize and make decisions confidently and quickly without stress, anxiety and doubt tripping you up and taking over.

  • How to communicate better using skills that will help you build and improve your relationships.

Watch Intro Video

What Leo had to say about The Shame Detox and working with Calan

Enroll in The Shame Detox Today

“Calan is one of the few people I would go to when I’m stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out. He knows exactly what needs to be said to push me out of my comfort zone and progress towards what I want in life. He combines saying what needs to be said with an open mind and heart. He will kick you in the ass and then give you a high 5 when you succeed.”


“Calan is a breath of fresh air and has been such a positive force in the community. The work that he has been doing on himself coupled with all the relevant training is clearly evident in his communication, coaching, and interactions with people; always mindfully professional and respectful. The initiative called the Gay Men's Brotherhood, co-founded by him and other personal development coaches, has been a tremendous help and safe space for gay men not only in Canada, but worldwide. It is a growing testament to their vision and commitment to uplifting and enriching the lives of gay men through healing, love, and camaraderie.”


“I will be completely transparent, I was sceptical. I have worked with people using the same foundational principles before, but this time it was different. This time it was relevant and actually shifted stuff. After just a few sessions, Calan unblocked a barrier for me that has changed my life. I have made almost 10k in sales in the last month alone where I struggled to make 1! I have financially caught up and actually able to have a full fridge of food for the first time in over 6 years. I can breathe easy now.

A HUGE thank you! I highly recommend giving him a go!”


I've also been featured on Amy Porterfield's social media which you can check out here.

The Shame Detox at a Glance

Total program investment is $497

  • Module 01: Mistaken and Limiting Beliefs

    Why do you believe what you believe? Did you decide for yourself? Or did someone tell you what to believe?

    In this first module, you'll start by breaking down the walls around your current beliefs and figuring out which ones have been stopping you from moving forward and holding you back in life. It's important that you first understand what's blocking you before you're able to move forward and create new beliefs.

    When you take the time to really look inside and analyze your beliefs for yourself it gives you the space and time to really contemplate the reasons behind your beliefs and if they still serve you. Once you enable yourself and actively choose your beliefs you empower yourself to make better choices, and these choices come from a deeper place inside of you, a true place that you can build from.

    YOU get to decide what’s best for you and how you want to move forward in life. Understanding your Mistaken & Limiting Beliefs helps to eliminate negative self-talk, it destroys the notion of "this is just the way life is" and it gives you back the freedom to choose, and when you have this knowledge and freedom, you can choose better.

  • Module 02: Core Foundations

    Think of yourself as a house. Just like any house you need a solid foundation to build from before you get to add in all the fancy bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and everything else that goes into making a house a home.

    In this module, you'll learn what your Core Beliefs, Core Values, and Core Identity are. Building from module 01, you’ll start to learn about who you really are at the core. What makes you tick? Who do you want to be in the world? What character traits do you have (and maybe which ones you’d like to change)?

    You’ll be guided through some serious and deep personal questions in order to gain insight into who you are, what you believe and what you want in life. You’ll learn what your Core Values are and how they can serve you when it comes to making important decisions and improving your relationships. Taking time to understand the real priorities in your life will enable you to determine what and WHO is right for you.

  • Module 03: Decision Making & Building Confidence

    Now that you’ve uncovered your Mistaken and Limiting Beliefs and you know what your Core Values, Beliefs, and Identity are, you can start piecing everything together and start implementing how you’re going to move forward and use this knowledge.

    In this module, you'll learn all about decision making and how your mind works. You'll focus on how to make the best choices for YOU now that you have your foundational pieces in place and you'll be able to do it without those old habits of stress or anxiety tagging along.

    You'll learn about the Wise Mind Model and how, with just a little bit of practice, you can start to cultivate a more confident mindset. Confidence isn’t about being cocky or “being born with it,” it’s about knowing who you are at the core, owning it and implementing it in your everyday life, and those are skills that anyone can learn. Yes, even you!

    I actually did a whole podcast episode on this topic which you can check out here.

  • Module 04: Building Community

    It’s truth-bomb time. I firmly believe that we do not succeed alone as quickly or as well as when we work as a collective. You can kick and scream all you want but I honestly believe that you need a healthy community around you to truly be happy and to succeed in life.

    In this module, you will take what you’ve learned from the first three modules and put them together in order to start cultivating a thriving and healthy community around you. You'll learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, be it friendly or romantic. You'll learn healthy communication skills so that you can work on building the community and life you want for yourself and you’ll learn the art of reflecting back, a technique and skill that helps improve and encourage healthy communication.

    Once you understand how all of these building blocks fit together, you’ll be able to finally start seeing how you can improve the relationships in your life and how to build new ones.

  • Module 05: Going Deeper

    In this final module, you get to take an introspective look back at all the work you’ve done and start to finally map out an action plan for the next phase of your life. You’ve done all the hard work in finding out all that there is to know about you and it’s now time to take that information and use it.

    You’ll be given the Back in Balance workbook to work through which will walk you through analyzing 7 key areas in your life and how you can start bringing everything back into balance armed with the knowledge you now know. From this workbook, you will begin making action plans for how you’re going to move forward in your life and then implementing those changes.

    After that, you get to revisit your vision statement from the welcome module and see how it’s shifted or changed over the course of you taking this program.

    Once all of that is done, it’s time to celebrate! You’ve completed The Shame Detox and you’re well on your way to creating and cultivating healthier relationships in your life!

Watch Intro Video

Jason's experience of Coaching with Calan

“Through the coaching journey I have had with Calan, we have managed to tread uncharted areas in my life and cross many milestones of growth and success. As a life coach, we sometimes fall under the assumption that we know, only to meet someone else who could show us a window of new change. I know for a fact that I found my life coach in Calan.”


“Working with Calan has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. I witnessed my personal and professional goals actually transpire into action and progress. Calan supported me through a comprehensive, enlightening and productive course that encouraged me to no longer view my goals as unattainable but as doable action points. Calan infuses humour, experience, knowledge, qualifications, spirituality and a no-nonsense approach that as a client, was just what I needed. I can’t thank you enough Calan!”


“Calan goes above and beyond to keep tabs on you as a client. His method of work isn’t “you should do this a certain way” but rather “here are some tools you can apply to help guide you to a different and more positive way of thinking” Even if it’s a quick 5-minute check-in, you’ll walk away learning something you can apply to your day to day.”


When you enroll you'll get:

  • 5 Implementation Modules + the welcome and wrap-up modules showing you step by step how to build a solid and confident foundation.

  • My full coaching outline that I take my one-on-one clients through that has created major shifts in their lives. (Which is why I know it can for you too!)

  • Step-by-step workbooks and PDFs walking you through each module's action items and core content.

  • My complete toolbox on how to become more confident in your relationships.

  • The Core Foundational Pieces of how to build a life with more love and deeper relationships.

  • All of the above would usually be a minimum $2,300usd investment if you were going to coach with me one-on-one.

After you register:

You'll be given instant access to all the modules. Make sure that you give ample time to dive into each module and really give them your full attention BEFORE moving on to the next module.

I encourage you to do this to protect your time, attention and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that stops most people from moving forward. Take it one module, one step at a time.

Enroll in The Shame Detox Today

Plus You'll be Backed by a Risk Free 14-Day Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

The Shame Detox is a proven and comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program designed to teach you how to build a better relationship with yourself, AND how to build stronger and closer relationships with others.

Now here's the tea. By the end of these 14 days,  if you don't feel totally confident and motivated by your ability to take and finish The Shame Detox, simply reach out, show me you've put in the work, and I'll refund your investment. Full details can be found in the refund policy at the bottom of this page.

Enroll in The Shame Detox Today

Got questions?

Still not sure?

  • What happens once I’ve registered?

    You’ll receive a registration email to the address you used to pay within 24 hours. In the email, you’ll receive all of the details you need in order to access the program and start The Shame Detox!

  • What is your refund policy?

    You can read more about the Refund Policy through the link at the bottom of this page.

  • How do I access the course?

    You can log into the members portal on any computer, tablet or smartphone that has access to wifi and instantly dive into the course.

  • What do I need to participate in the program?

    A best practice is to get yourself a journal to track your progress. Other than that, everything is completely 100% digital.

    Once you register, I suggest dedicating and setting some time aside each week to finish the modules and exercises.

  • How much of my time will it require each week?

    This course has been designed for you to follow along and finish in 6 weeks with bite-size and easily digestible content equaling about an hour each week. However, if you choose to take longer you can do so as you have lifetime access to the course, so you can take the 6 weeks, a few days or even a few months, it's up to you. This is about you developing and growing on your own journey so go at whatever pace feels right to you.

Just an FYI...

I've designed this course using language directed to Gay men and straight women, but just because the program was built with them in mind doesn't mean you can't take it as well! If you're picking up what I'm throwing down then I want to encourage you to take the plunge!

The information in this course is relevant to everyone across the board who has ever dealt with shame regardless of sexuality, gender, identity or background. This is an inclusive community and I want to make sure everyone feels welcome.

I cannot wait to guide you over these next 6 weeks...

If we haven't met at a drag brunch in Toronto before then pull up a seat because the library is open and the tea is piping hot!

Hey, I'm Calan - SEO Specialist, podcast host of "The Business Gay," fantasy book worm and tea connoisseur (I'm basically obsessed and have about 30 different types at any given moment in my cupboard).

I know what it’s like to feel lost, overwhelmed, lonely, and confused. Feeling so alone and having no one to turn to for help and the immense shame that comes along with all of it, as if you're somehow broken as a person. I literally got to a point in my life where I was almost homeless on the streets (yea gurl!), THAT'S how lost and alone I was. I spent years searching for “something” or "someone" outside of myself to give me all the answers I wanted, only to realize that the answers I needed were actually already within me. *insert eye-roll* but it’s true! All I needed was a guide to help me figure it all out, and I would be honoured if you chose me as your guide to help you do the same.

If anything that I’ve talked about throughout this page has resonated with you then you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free leap of faith and see what your life could look like after doing The Shame Detox online course. It's time to put yourself at the top of your list this year.

To experience life with a fresh perspective and a new optimistic outlook, how much would that change your life? How much would finding a relationship mean to you? How much would living without anxiety change your life? How much better would it make you feel to FINALLY come out of the closet and live your authentic life!? You owe it to yourself to at least try so you can experience what it’s like to truly live a life you love.

I know the last few years have been WILD for a lot of people and turned a lot of worlds upside down, so if you're looking for permission to move forward in your life - this is it - give it to yourself.

If you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 6 weeks will be completely and utterly life-changing for you.

I look forward to meeting you inside The Shame Detox.

Peace Love Rainbows <3
